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   Sustainable Development Goals 2 - Zero Hunger - 27 December 2022     Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time to read the issues I have written and related to the Sustainable Development Goals. As we know, there are 17 SDGs and the purpose is to achieve a sustainable life among humans on this earth. So, today, some ideas came up for me to talk about an issue related to the 2nd SDG which is Zero Hunger. As we know, the 2nd SDG is important because undernourishment and hunger make people less productive and more likely to suffer disease. This prevents them from raising their income and improving their standard of living. The food and farming industries are vital in eliminating hunger and poverty. In relation to that, today we can see that there are many more people who live in a state of not having an unstable financial situation that causes them to be unable to own and pay for things related to the basics of their lives.     As a student who studies at IIUM, I see for myself the si

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