
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

This is the poster that my group members and I finished and completed the task given by our Naqib. After this work, we assigned to prepare blog and post the poster as final assessment.

Overview of the poster :

From the question given to us i.e. (Why our Iman always being tested?), we can classify that our Iman is always tested for these four reasons.

1. To make us more grateful for what we have in this world. This is because there are many human beings who do not realize that many unfortunate people, cannot achieve the dreams they want. With the test of Iman, it can awaken people with a sense of gratitude to Allah for having given vast favors to His servants.

2. Our Iman is also tested because Allah wants to forgive the sins we have committed in our unconscious. It shows that Allah is Most Merciful to His servants and also Most Forgiving of all the sins that His servants have committed both consciously and unconsciously.

3. With this test of Iman, it can also strengthen our Iman because we always forget why Allah created us in this world. And Allah will not test His servants beyond their ability.

4. Our Iman is always tested because Allah wants His servants to remember Him always because sometimes this human being is too busy chasing the world to forget His creator. They need to balance the relevant matters between the world and the hereafter in order to be successful human beings in this world and the hereafter.

   My feeling after completing this assignment was very relieved and fun to have completed my responsibilities as a student. Praise be to Allah for facilitating my affairs and thank you also to our Naqib who has helped a lot in this assessment. My dream in the future is to be proud of the people around me, especially the most important people in life, namely my mother and father. I also hope to be a useful person to society in the future, Insha'Allah :)

