Sustainable Development Goals 2 - Zero Hunger

- 28 December 2022

    Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time to read the issues I have written and related to the Sustainable Development Goals. As we know, there are 17 SDGs and the purpose is to achieve a sustainable life among humans on this earth. So, today, some ideas came up for me to talk about an issue related to the 2nd SDG which is Zero Hunger. As we know, the 2nd SDG is important because undernourishment and hunger make people less productive and more likely to suffer disease. This prevents them from raising their income and improving their standard of living. The food and farming industries are vital in eliminating hunger and poverty. In relation to that, today we can see that there are many more people who live in a state of not having an unstable financial situation that causes them to be unable to own and pay for things related to the basics of their lives.

    As a student who studies at IIUM, I see for myself the situation of students, some are financially capable and some are financially less capable. Financially able students have cars, motorbikes and can spend a lot of money and buy expensive things. In contrast to students who are less in terms of their finances, they are only able to buy things that are only enough for their needs, there are even students who are unable to buy their necessities and cause them to have to make loans with some outside agencies that can help them financially. So, to ease the burden of students who are less able financially, there are some student corporations that have created some alternatives for them. Among them is providing free food in an area that is easily accessible for the public. Usually they will prepare a shelf where there is a lot of food placed as a result of donations that have been collected and sponsored by some parties. With this initiative, they hope to be able to help the less able groups in terms of their food. It is clear here that it is related to the SDG discussed which is "Zero Hunger". With free food, they no longer starve and have to tie their stomachs just to save their money to buy other necessities. As we know, nutrition is also very important in daily life.

    However, from this initiative, there is also a problem that occurs, which is that there is always theft by irresponsible parties. For example, they often take advantage of this, because the shelf is easily accessible to the public, they take the food that is on the shelf, but they are not the main purpose of the shelf being placed there because those who take this are the financially capable group. . They have no compassion for the needy and only think about filling their bellies. In addition, they are also less aware of the existence of groups in need, especially in terms of finances. So, when they take the food, not a bit crosses their mind about those groups.

    To prevent this from happening and the main goal can be achieved, preventive measures against this case of theft must be done immediately. Among the steps that can be taken by the corporation involved, they need to put someone to take care of the shelves. No, the same person only takes care but prepares a schedule and sets each person the time they have time to take care of the shelf. From this step, the guardian can keep a good eye on the people who take the food. In addition, to strengthen the first step, the guardian must have a list of the names of students who are in need and lack financial ability. Usually, every educational institution provides a list of names of registered students who lack financial ability. So with this list of names, they can ensure that only certain people can take the food and the main purpose of the shelf can be achieved which is "Zero Hunger" to those in need. It is quite difficult for the irresponsible to do the same if there are guards around the rack. Among other steps that can be taken is, an awareness campaign should be held for students to be aware and aware of the need to understand the situation of groups in need and to make them aware of their responsibilities as able-bodied people. This is so that after this, they can think well before doing something bad. Because there are also students who are not aware of this, and this is the purpose of the campaign to make them aware.
