SDG 15

Sustainable Development Goals 15 - Life on Land

- 22 December 2022

Peace be upon you all!! We are back again today in the topics or issues related to Sustainable Development Goals. Well, today, I will tell you a little bit about the experience I went through when I was at the International Islamic University of Malaysia. The SDG that I will relate to today is the 15th SDG which is related to "Life on Land". As we know, there is a lot of life on this earth and we often see life on the ground. Among the lives found on the ground are such as plants, humans and others. What I want to emphasize today is the fate of plants that are the main source of our oxygen on this earth. Recently I saw that there were some issues that arose around my university when students saw trees being cut down around the university grounds. As a result of this, many questions have arisen from students, why was the tree cut down?, why not other trees cut down?, why not just leave the tree there?, and many other questions that arise from the mouths of university students.

When I first entered the university area, I was quite amazed to see the university area filled with large and many trees. This is because these trees show that the university area is like a calm and fresh area, but this area is on high ground, which makes us breathe cool and fresh air even in the morning or at night. I also feel happy that these trees will exist because every evening and morning, I like to jog around the IIUM area and the trees there make the area look dim and prevent the sunlight from hitting me directly. As we know, when we run in hot weather, our heart rate will increase rapidly and it will cause us to tire quickly and cause discomfort when running. So, with the presence of trees dimming my surroundings while running, I am very grateful and increase my enthusiasm to run and live a healthy life in the future. At one time, I thought what would happen if these trees were not there and were thrown away in the future? It occurred to me at that moment, the comfort that I have now, would not be available if those trees were not there. In addition, the source of oxygen for humans will also decrease due to the removal of the tree. Of course I would feel sad. So, if I know about it, what should I know or do to prepare for it if it happens in the future? First of all, I will not use that as an excuse for me not to adopt a healthy lifestyle from now on, instead I will do other activities that can produce sweat and improve my fitness level in the future. In addition, I will also try to tell the authorities to consider this and tell about the negative consequences if this happens in the future.

After several years of living in this university, as expected in the past, what crossed my mind at that time, happened in front of my eyes today, where trees were cut down and cut around the university grounds. After seeing that happen, I feel a bit disappointed and sad because something that I didn't want to happen, happened today. However, I did not remain silent when I saw many negative effects that occurred from this matter, such as causing difficulty for people to jog in the area around the university because there are fragments of tree branches that can harm students if they do not notice and can cause injury to them. In addition, it also causes the traffic area for cars and motorbikes to be congested due to the fact that there are some areas that need to be closed, thus narrowing the traffic path. This is due to branches or wood falling onto the roadway causing the area to be closed for the safety of car drivers and motorcyclists. This also causes a lack of oxygen resources in the university area because of the trees and causes the weather to be quite hot compared to before where the weather was quite cold due to the fact that there are many trees that cover most of the university area.

After this happened, there were many things I could learn. Among them is the courage to voice an opinion. We should be brave in telling or sharing with others what we feel about something. In this regard, I feel that it should not be done because as a result of this, it creates a sense of discomfort from various parties because most of the public would like if the tree remains and remains in the area around the university. In addition, if the tree remains then the sources of oxygen for humans living in this area are also sufficient and do not cause warming of the weather and everyone will enjoy this peaceful and peaceful situation. But from this matter as well, I am sure that the responsible parties have their own good intentions and are not just following their hearts and feelings. We as people living in the same community need to be united and discuss until we reach an agreement between all parties to get a good result that is agreed upon by all parties.
