Hello, welcome to my page for the first time here. My writing this time is to make people aware of the issues and problems that occur in our country to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Before I discuss about the problems, I want you all to know and know what Sustainability is. It means that we do something to meet our own needs without affecting the benefits that can be obtained by future generations. For example, we want to build a building but many trees, then we cut down the trees in our environment without thinking about the negative effects that will happen in the future. All we have in mind is just wanting a large area for our construction project. This causes as time goes on, there are fewer and fewer trees and at the same time the oxygen source in our environment is decreasing and will cause difficulties for future generations. Here, you can see an example where when we ignore Sustainability in our daily life. In order to maintain sustainability in this world, there are 17 Sustainable Development Goals that have been formulated. Below I include the picture:
